Peninsula Feed Store
346 El Camino Real, Redwood City CA, 94062
Phone: (650) 365-6738
Facebook Page
Tuesday-Saturday 9:00AM-6:00PM
Sunday Noon-6:00PM
Closed Mondays
February 15, 2025 Update
We had cute Chicks - Currently Sold Out!
Products and Services:
- Poultry feed (organic, Non-GMO and traditional) and treats for your chickens, ducks, turkeys, quail including Bar Ale, Scratch & Peck, Purina, Modesto Mills, Live Superworms!
- Horse feed, grains, supplements, pellets, cubes and treats for your horses including Purina, Stable Mix, Triple Crown, Nutrena, Bar Ale and LMF
- High quality and consistent Hay (alfalfa, orchard grass, 80/20, timothy, oat, teff) and straw (rice and wheat) by the bale or smaller bag (flake)
- Chicken supplies (feeders, waterers, coops, hardware cloth for keeping chickens safe, nesting boxes, vitamins, heat lamps)
- Horse supplies (medicines, grooming, fly control, salt, buckets, toys, etc.)
- Feed and supplies for goats, llamas, alpacas, mini-pigs, rabbits, guinea pigs, and pet rodents (Live Superworms!)
- Wild and domestic bird feed and whole grains for racing pigeons, canaries, cockatiels, finches, parrots and seed mixes for various types of wild birds
- Beekeeping supplies (hives, frames, tools, smokers, protective clothing, books, feed, accessories)
- Cat supplies (wide selection of curated cat toys, cat trees, cat treats, wet food, pelleted litter)
- Dog Training Supplies (collars, leashes, treats, toys)
- We Deliver to homes, businesses and Stables in Woodside, Portola Valley, Los Altos Hills, Menlo Park and throughout San Mateo County (please call)
- Please place orders before 5:00PM on Sunday for Monday/Tuesday delivery and on Wednesday for Thursday/Friday delivery
- Rain or heat can affect our schedule
Live Animals:
- Chicks (vaccinated for Mareks)
- Note all chicks are pullets (> 90% female) unless noted as straight run or not sexed (50/50% male/female)
- Due to the high demand we may need to limit the number of chicks per breed per family
- Chicks sell out quickly so call first if you are coming from a distance (first come, first serve)
- We incubate eggs from our breeding pens that hatch weekly and go on sale Saturdays
- We are working on a better system but we have been warned about counting chicks before they hatch
- Started Pullets - 12-15 week old birds raised from our breeding pens (see below) and hatcheries by 4H clubs and local farmers
- These can be put in coops outside and can be integrated into your existing flock, ready to lay in 5-12 weeks
- Coop-Ready Pullets - 6-11 week old birds raised from our breeding pens (see below) and hatcheries by 4H clubs and local farmers
- These can be put in coops outside as a new flock but are not quite ready to be fully integrated into your existing flock
- Quail
Our own chicks (you can meet the parents) hatched 2/5/25 - Vaccinated for Mareks SOLD OUT
Bielefelder and Cream Legbar - Male and Female
Blue Ameraucana, French Black Copper Maran, Buff Orpington, Olive Eggers - Not Sexed
Silkie, Serama and Japanese Bantam - Not Sexed
Started Pullets (Female 12+ weeks, ready to integrate with your existing flock) SOLD OUT
Chicks available 9:00AM Saturday February 8, 2025 - Vaccinated for Mareks, SOLD OUT
Barred Plymouth Rock Chicken - Female
Buff Orpington Chicken - Female
Dark Brahma Chicken - Female
Lavender Orpington Chicken - Female
Light Brahma Chicken - Female
Rhode Island Red Chicken - Female
Salmon Faverolle Chicken - Female
Chicks available Saturday February 22, 2025 - Vaccinated for Mareks
Black Australorp Chicken - Female
Black Laced Red Wyandottes - Female
Dominique Chicken - Female
Red Sex Link Chicken - Female
Black Silkie Bantams - Not Sexed
Blue Silkie Bantams - Not Sexed
Splash Silkie Bantams - Not Sexed
White Silkie Bantams - Not Sexed
Chicks available Saturday March 8, 2025 - Vaccinated for Mareks
Black Australorp Chicken - Female
Black Jersey Giant Chicken - Female
Black Laced Gold Wyandotte Chicken - Female
Blue Ameraucana Chicken - Female
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes - Female
Cinnamon Queen™ Chicken - Female
Columbian Wyandotte Chicken - Female
Chicks available Saturday March 22, 2025 - Vaccinated for Mareks
Barnevelder Chicken - Female
Blue Ameraucana Chicken - Female
Cinnamon Queen™ Chicken - Female
Cuckoo Marans Chicken - Female
French Wheaten Marans Chicken - Female
Lavender Ameraucana Chicken - Female
Speckled Sussex Chicken - Female